American Red Squirrel

The American Red Squirrel is one of the species of squirrel found on Concordia’s campus.

Information about American Red Squirrels specific to Concordia can be found here

General information about American Red Squirrels

Lifestyle: American Red Squirrels are territorial, and will defend its food and territory. They will chirp, bark, cough and flick their tail to defend their territory. During the winter they are most active at midday, during non-winter months, they are most active during early morning and late afternoon. They do not hibernate during the winter, but they are less active, which is why they bury cones. They generally will have 1-2 litters a year with 2-5 young in each litter. They are sent away from the nest once they can fend for themselves.

Diet: The main source of food is the seeds of coniferous trees such as, pine, spruce, cedar, and fir. They bury enough cones in one spot to last them the winter. They will also eat flowers and buds of maple and elm tress, the seeds of elm, maple and basswood, and any berries, nuts, or mushrooms that are available.

Habitat: They prefer coniferous forests, but they will live in mixed, and some northern deciduous forests. They prefer larger forests, rather than small wooded areas. They favor tree holes, but will also live in leaf nests or hollow logs on the ground.

Description: Their winter coat is an orange-red color, while their summer coat has a black line which separates their white stomach from greyish-red body.

Range in Minnesota: They are found all over Minnesota, but they are more common in the north.

Relation to other squirrels: They will defend their territory from other types of squirrels, and are often successful at fending them off.

Relation to people: They can do damage to smaller man-made buildings and places where food is stored, but the damage they do is not significant.

Dublin Core


American Red Squirrel




Mammals of Minnesota, University of Minnesota Press.


University of Minnesota Press.


Hazard, E. B., & Kane, N. (1982). Mammals of Minnesota. University of Minnesota Press.

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